Introduction to Child Developmental
- Psychological origin Greek
- The first person to use the term psychology was Rudolf Gockel (1590).
- Father of Psychology - Wilhelm Wundt.
- The Father of Modern Psychology - Sigmund Freud (Psyche + Logus)
- Psychic means life, soul, mind, spirit, breath, self, then consciousness.
- Locus (To Study) is a branch of psychological philosophy that means intellectual discourse, division. Psychology or Psychology is a science that includes the social sciences of life (Bio- Social Science). The essence of psychology is the study of the soul.
- The goals of psychology are to describe, interpret, predict, control, or modify human behavior.
- De Anima was the first book on psychology written by the Greek grandfather Aristotle.
- Psychology has evolved into 4 stages based on its dimensional development.
- Psychology Soul Mind Conscious Behavior.
- Our feelings, desires, cognitions, cognitive decisions, and desires are also called phenomena - William James (1890).
- Psychology is the science of personal activities related to one's context. Woodworth and Marrose (1984).
Level - 1
- Study of Soul
- In ancient times psychology was considered to be the science of learning about the soul.
- Psychology or psychology seemed to explain the nature of the soul.
- The soul is an idea of vague uncertainty.
- Philosophers such as Democritus (460 BC), Ploto (427-347 BC), and Aristotle (384-322 BC) described psychology as the science of the soul.
- Father of Medicine -Hippocrates
- Aristotle defined the soul as inseparable from the body and the human heart as the abode of the soul.
Level - 2
- Study of Mind
- According to the German scholar Emanuel Kant, psychology is not about the soul, it is about the human mind.
- According to the French scholar Rene Descartes, the mind is the structure in which the brain is formed.
- The Egyptians considered the mind to be in the stomach.
- Indian doctor Sarkar mentions that the mind is in the heart. The study of the mind is a branch of philosophy that has been called metaphysics by the American psychologist E.B. Ditsner (1867-1927) who divided the mind into three components.
- IMAGES (shades)
- Psychology is the science of the life of the soul or mind- William James
- According to Hume Bain Mill, the mind is the concept that is stored in the brain through experience.
Level - III
- Study of Consciousness
- A state of consciousness is a state in which a person gradually disappears when he or she is asleep and gradually rises to wake up.
- The state of consciousness is also called the state of consciousness.
- Wilhelm (1832-1920) and William James (1842 1910) considered psychology to be the Science of Consciousness or Immediate Experiences.
- Those who emphasized conscious experiences- theorized behavior
- Sigmund Freud later criticized the idea.
Level - IV
- Science of Behavior
- What was once referred to as the study of behavior was changed to the science of behavior?
- The term behavior was introduced in 1908 in the book Introduction to Social Psychology by William McDougall, known as the Father of Hormic Theory.
- 1911 American psychologist W.B. Pillsbury in his book Essentials of Psychology
- He first mentioned that psychology is the science of human behavior.
- Psychology refers first to the soul and then to the mind and then to the state of consciousness, which still refers to the Behavior Pattern today. R.S Woodworth.
- J.B. Watson, known as the father of the theory of behavior, coined the term behavior
- Anything an organism can do is called behavior
- Psychological research is the scientific study of behavior by N.L. Mann
- Behavior is a mirror in which everyone expresses their image, said Kogan Wolfgang Wanko.
- Behavior can be classified into two types, Observable Over Behavior and Subjective Behavior.
- Some behaviors that are involved, such as eating, can not be seen.
- (E.g.) thinking, memorizing, perceiving
Psychologists' definitions of psychology:
- Psychology is actually a science or self-event. John doe Psychology is the science of studying psychological experiences - Wilhelm
- Psychology is the study of the behavior of organisms in their external interactions - Kurd Hofha
- Psychology is the study of human nature Boring and Longfield Psychology is the study of human behavior and human relationships.-Lester Crowe and Alisgro
- Psychology is a scientific R.S. Woodworth
- Psychology is a science that aims to give us a better understanding and control of the behavior of living things William McDougall
- Psychology is the scientific investigation of behavior - N.L. Mann
- B.F. Skinner is a psychologist who specializes in describing human behavior and experiences.
- Psychology is the science that describes human behavior - J.B. Watson