Development years of psychology
- 1590 - Rudolf Coke first coined the title Psychology.
- 1802 Piercopanis conducts psychological research on the biology and publishes an article entitled Human Physical and Moral Relationship.
- 1859 Sir William Hamilton was the first to conduct an observation experiment.
- 1870 Jensen discovered the focus by experimenting on marbles.
- 1879 - The first psychological laboratory is established by Wilhelm Und at the University of Leipzig in Germany.
- 1880 - Psychological laboratory founded in England by Francis Colton.
- 1885 - Hermann Eppingas publishes his first edition of Memory and discovers the curve of oblivion.
- John doe published the first psychology textbook in the United States.
- The term psychoanalysis was first used by Sigmund Freud in 1895.
- 1899-1900 Sigmund Freud (Father of Modern Psychology) published The Interpretation of Dreams.
- 1904 - Pavlov (Russia) receives the Nobel Prize (the first psychologist to receive the Nobel Prize)
- 1908 - Alfred Beane (father of intelligence experiments) introduces the concept of mental age.
- 1912 - Absolute theory (Gestalt) emerges as opposed to the theory of behavior.
- 1916 The Department of Psychology was first established at the University of Calcutta, India.
- 1920 - E.L. Thorndike used the term 'social intelligence'.
- 1920 - Amala focuses on the importance of the situation in Bengal. The Kamala Sisters study was conducted.
- The 1921 Ink Plot Test was developed by Hermann Roshark.
- 1924 - Indian Psychological Society formed.
- 1925 - Indian Journal of Psychology is published.
- 1927 - The Classical Condition is published by Pavlo.
- 1927 - SVIB (strong vocational interest blank) is created.
- 1928 - An Introduction to Social Psychology, the first book on social psychology written by Sengupta, known as the founder of modern psychology in India.
- He co-authored and published the book Introduction to Social Psychology: Mind in Society with Radha Kamal.
- 1931 - The concept of the Level of Aspiration is first introduced by Tempo.
- 1938 - Scientific guidance in India is introduced at Calcutta University.
- 1943 - The term autism is first coined by Leogoner.
- 1947 Asilanandu publishes the book Hindu Psychology.
- 1947 - Uttar Pradesh becomes the first state government to recognize the Center for Educational Guidance on the recommendation of a committee headed by Acharya Narendra Dev.
- 1950 - Human psychology is born
- 1954-55 Type of need theory was invented by Abraham Maslow.
- 1960 The term psychology past self-consciousness was coined by Abraham Maslow and Victor Franklin (self-consciousness is the last psychology associated with the spiritual nature of human life).
- 1963 - Albert Bandura publishes the book Social Circulation and Personality Development, which explores the method of the following guidance.
- 1966 - J.P Gilford introduces the concept of the Intelligent Structure Model (3D Model).
- 1970 Maslow's theory of requirements was changed by Rudd to 7.
- 1971-Psychological Society for the Past was started.
- 1972 The first psychological dissertation is published in India.
- 1975 - Three Objectives of Educational Psychology are published by Cage Berliner.
- 1990 - The term "emotional intelligence" is coined by Jackmeyer and Peter Salavey.
- 1993 The first book on emotional intelligence, Emotional Intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ, was published by Daniel Coleman.
- 2005 - National Art Project.
- 2009 - The Compulsory Right to Education Act (RTE) is passed.
- 2010 - April 01 The Compulsory Right to Education Act (RTE) comes into force.